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Urban Gardening


Together we can create a better lifestyle
and contribute to increase Sweden's self-sufficiency
through bio-integrated small-scale food production


What is Aqualibrium Solutions?

We are a small-scale food producer focusing on regenerative, recirculating, and carbon sink farming methods (through The BIOASIS Project, TM). We specialize in tropical vegetation and Tilapia fish production for small-scale cultivation systems. 


From 1 april 2024 we will be starting our food cultivation project in our pilot facility in Vissefjärda in Kalmar, Sweden, where we will produce leafy vegetables, beans, seeds, root crops, chicken and duck eggs, cold- & warm water fish and even beneficial insects and microorganisms that are crucial for a sustainable and circular food production process. 


During the summer and autumn seasons, we will open our little farm shop to sell raw products from our own garden and from our food production partners nearby. Another highlight that we will offer during the summer season is our  gastronomy experiences for tourist with focus on menus featuring locally grown products as well as tropical ingredients locally grown in Sweden. This includes cooking classes, visits to other local food producers in Småland and Skåne, and food-related events aimed at providing tourists with a deeper understanding of the opportunities for enjoying food without negatively impacting the planet (through BIOASIS farming methods, Tank-to-Table, Backyard Fish & Chips, Matsarap and AquaCoolTour).


We also offer design and consulting services in which we combine engineering with macro- and microbiology to create sustainable and efficient solutions for food production. We adapt and optimize different systems to transform traditional farming methods by integrating climate-smart and circular practices (through digital or physical meetings either at your location or at our Aqualibrium Solutions pilot facility in Vissefjärda).


Courses such as climate-smart food production, household crisis preparedness skills, circular self-sufficiency, and more, including both practical and theoretical content, are also offered for a minimum of 10 participants (through digital or physical meetings, visits to various food producers, and on-site at the Aqualibrium Solutions pilot facility in Vissefjärda).




Do you dream of having your very own food production but need professional help and technical support?

Whether for self utilization or commercial projects, for urban or rural locations, for indoor or outdoor use, we provide a wholesome approach to help you achieve the solutions that suit your wishlist. We provide a preliminary 30 minute free consultation and can give a direct suggestion and advice for small and medium scale modern food cultivation systems such as aquaculture, hydroponics or aquaponics.



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