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Plant & bevattningssystem

Information bank

This page is dedicated to our collection of  information and other materials about food production and other homesteading skills for the future. (This page is under construction and is updated regulary)


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Aquaponics is a circular growing technique that combines plants, fish, substrate, water and bacteria to create a controlled ecosystem. The key ingredient is nitrification, a process in which bacteria convert ammonia, NH4 (converted to nitrite by Nitrosomonas) and nitrite, NO2 (converted to nitrate by Nitrobacter) from fish feces and urine into nitrate NO3 that plants eventually absorb as nutrients. Through this filtration procedure, water is saved by up to 90%, the loss of 10% is due to splashing, evaporation and even fish and plant consumption.


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Biochar is a byproduct from pyrolisis reactors, designed for thermal decomposition of biomass in a limited oxygen environment, using heat ranging between 500-900 degrees Celcius, to create the porosity by structure and to correspond to typical conditions in practical biochar production processes.

Around the world, there is a substantial increase in biochar application in different areas such as pollution remediation due to high CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity) and specific surface area; soil ammendment and increase of pore volume; and carbon sequestration due to carbon and ash content.

Furthermore, biochar has developed a reputation as a sustainable and innovative solution to the increasing global dilemma brought about by extreme climate change because of its ability to sequester carbon dioxide emission three times its size.


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Permaculture is the study and application of holistic solutions providing multidisciplinary toolbox that integrates the people, the planet and all resources that are crucial in building a synergetic community cradled by a diverse natural system to sustainably manage the forest, water, energy, waste and natural resources through appropriate technology and community development.

and crisis preparedness skills

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Homesteading refers to an autonomous self-sufficient lifestyle or with minimum help from others or the community through sustainable agriculture, renewable energy sources, home production and preservation of food, zero-waste living and do-it-yourself craftworks and maintenance. The essence is to gain a sense of security over basic needs and even for the mental, physical and emotional resiliency, most importantly when confronted by an uncertain future. Some of the skills that can be learned and acquired for crisis preparedness are raising and preparing animals for food, food fermentation, firewood collection and preparation for heating and cooking needs, recipe-free cooking, DIY body care and hygienic items, recycling and upscaling textiles for diverse purposes, basic structure building, food foraging, herbal medicine preparation, well-being and injury management and even harsh climate gardening.

+46 708 692 599


Office/ Post adress:

Aqualibrium Solutions AB  

c/o Kalmar Science Park 


Bredbandet 1

392 30 Kalmar

Pilot project/ Demo facility:

The BIOASIS Project

Muggetorp 102, 

361 96 Vissefjärda

©2023 Aqualibrium Solutions

PRV rights Michelle Söderman

Bio-Aqua Integrated System Designer

Aquaponic Engineer

Permaculture Designer, PDC

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