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Products (this page is under construction)
We sell seedlings, Tilapia fingerlings, tropical vegetables, leafy vegetables, eggs and other raw products either harvested from our own garden or from our partners nearby.
We will also sell BioASIS (TM-Trademark) food production system such as BioASIS filter, BioASIS Kitchen Farm and BioAsis Aquaporium plus other technical and electrical components for construction, upgrade and maintenance of your future food production . Build one yourself or contact us for a free 30 min consultation and we will help you build your dream system, either for household or business needs.
BioASIS (TM) Biofilter
more info coming soon
BioASIS (TM) Kitchen farm
more info coming soon
BioASIS (TM) Veggies
more info coming soon
BioASIS (TM) Eggs
more info coming soon
BioASIS (TM) Seedlings
more info coming soon
BioASIS (TM) Tilapia fingerlings
more info coming soon
BioASIS (TM) Soil activator
more info coming soon
BioASIS (TM) Compost set
more info coming soon
Preppad Aquaponic set for fingerlings/ juvenile fishes- compact mini (380 liters)
more info coming soon
Preppad Aquaponic set for colony set- compact medium (380 liters)
more info coming soon
ASAB Kaktus aquaponic set- 380 liters
more info coming soon
ASAB Zigzag aquaponic set - 380 liters
more info coming soon
Preppad aquaponic set for 30 juvenile tilapia fishes, for rearing until harvest- (1500 liters)
more info coming soon
Preppad mealworms, complete colony set, egg, larvae, pupa & adult, available for small scale and medium scale rearing
more info coming soon
Do you dream of having your very own food production but need professional help and technical support?
Whether for self utilization or commercial projects, for urban or rural locations, for indoor or outdoor use, we provide a wholesome approach to help you achieve the solutions that suit your wishlist. We provide a preliminary 30 minute free consultation and can give a direct suggestion and advice for small and medium scale modern food cultivation systems such as aquaculture, hydroponics or aquaponics.